Today, February 5th, 2008 is Super Tuesday!
Which means, it is day of the largest simultaneous number of state U.S. presidential primary elections in the history of U.S. primaries. Twenty-four states and American Samoa are scheduled to hold either caucuses or primary elections for one or both parties on this date.
I voted today! I was very happy and proud to mark next to Barack Obama’s name! As I type this, I have on my wonderful GA Peach "I am a Georgia Voter" sticker.
While I was at the polling site a man walked in. He was obviously very excited to cast his vote. As we filled out our form he asked if he had to choose Democratic or Republican. He was informed he did. I could tell it was a hard decision for him. He stated, in a low voice, “I am ready for change. I have waited 8 years for this.” I couldn’t help but smile as he checked the Democratic box happily.
After casting my vote, I waited outside to talk this man. When he came out, I started a conversation with him. I learned he has been living in the area for a few years and had been watching the transition the neighborhood has been going through. We discussed his hesitance choosing a party and he told me that he could no longer relate to the republican part. He told me how he had been doing research on the candidates for the last year or so. He explained how hearing Obama’s views on the issues our country faced let him know who he would vote for. He admitted that during the last election he didn’t feel that the candidate choosen to run against Bush was a good candidate. He explained how he knew that Obama would be a great “people” president.
I was amazed to see a former Republican, white man in his thirties standing in front of me explaining to me how he became a believer in “change.” I told him how happy I was to hear about his decision. We discussed what issues made us Obama supporter and voters. We also discussed who we would like to see as his vice president. We discussed the things in our own neighborhood, less than 5 miles outside of downtown Atlanta, that needed to be handled. The things that have improved and what needed to continue to improve. After I finished talking to him, I walked to my car with a big smile on my face. He represented the thousands of Americans, who went to the polls today, tired of being of the way our country is being ran! I truly believe that this will be a very interesting day in America! Obama’s campane is truly “Change we can believe in”
Here are some excerpts from an email I received from http://www.barackobama.com/ :
I voted today! I was very happy and proud to mark next to Barack Obama’s name! As I type this, I have on my wonderful GA Peach "I am a Georgia Voter" sticker.
While I was at the polling site a man walked in. He was obviously very excited to cast his vote. As we filled out our form he asked if he had to choose Democratic or Republican. He was informed he did. I could tell it was a hard decision for him. He stated, in a low voice, “I am ready for change. I have waited 8 years for this.” I couldn’t help but smile as he checked the Democratic box happily.
After casting my vote, I waited outside to talk this man. When he came out, I started a conversation with him. I learned he has been living in the area for a few years and had been watching the transition the neighborhood has been going through. We discussed his hesitance choosing a party and he told me that he could no longer relate to the republican part. He told me how he had been doing research on the candidates for the last year or so. He explained how hearing Obama’s views on the issues our country faced let him know who he would vote for. He admitted that during the last election he didn’t feel that the candidate choosen to run against Bush was a good candidate. He explained how he knew that Obama would be a great “people” president.
I was amazed to see a former Republican, white man in his thirties standing in front of me explaining to me how he became a believer in “change.” I told him how happy I was to hear about his decision. We discussed what issues made us Obama supporter and voters. We also discussed who we would like to see as his vice president. We discussed the things in our own neighborhood, less than 5 miles outside of downtown Atlanta, that needed to be handled. The things that have improved and what needed to continue to improve. After I finished talking to him, I walked to my car with a big smile on my face. He represented the thousands of Americans, who went to the polls today, tired of being of the way our country is being ran! I truly believe that this will be a very interesting day in America! Obama’s campane is truly “Change we can believe in”
Here are some excerpts from an email I received from http://www.barackobama.com/ :
Today, you can join nearly half the nation in saying that we are tired of business-as-usual in Washington, we are hungry for change, and we are ready to believe again.
People all across the country will be following the results of today's primaries and caucuses. Send a message that Georgia is ready for a new kind of leadership and a new kind of politics.
Vote for change today, and make sure your friends and family get out and vote as well.
When Michelle and I talked about my running for president, one of the core goals we both had for this campaign was to leave the political process better off than we found it.
You have challenged conventional thinking and built a grassroots movement for change that is sweeping this country.
I believe that this movement for change can do more than just win an election. Together, we can transform this country.