Oct 15, 2007 ~ "1 week Anniversary"
Ok I know it's cheesy but I didn't have another title at the moment! Life as a newlywed is good... ok great! I love being HIS wife. Though honestly if it hadn't been for the BIG day and actually saying husband it wouldn't feel any different. Now don't go thinking I am minimizing marriage because I'm not and I'd do it again everyday (the wedding) if I could!
I guess now that I'm actually married it is real and the reality of it is that it's not much different. I can see it being different for those couples who don't live together or/and don't have sexual relations before their wedding. Don't get me wrong I love the fact that I say my husband now! I love the fact that legally and to God we are officially a married couple! My days are certainly brighter as a result of all these things!
I think sometimes in the planning and details of our weddings we do lose focus of our focal point. It's almost like we expect that day to be more than a day. Our wedding to be everyday of our lives forever. When the it's the beginning of our lives with that person!
Even a week later looking back my favorite part of Our wedding is saying our vows. We wrote our own and it made the day even more special and realistic. I definantly suggest this to every couple even it's just a sentence or two! I've discussed the crossover from fiance to wife with several of my married and engaged friends. In these conversation I have come to realize we all expect(ed), in some way, a difference in the how we feel and how our lives functioned!
I don't know what I really thought... Like every morning when I wake up I would hear a loud bell ringing or not to have to deal with everyday life issues! I guess the main difference is now I officially have the man of my dreams to share all of the good and bad with. The beauty of life is that it's continuous learning experience. I've learned in the last week that the Wedding is really THE BEGINNING and no matter how beautiful you make that day, you have many more after it that will be beautiful and some that will need just as much work to become as beautiful!
Ok I know it's cheesy but I didn't have another title at the moment! Life as a newlywed is good... ok great! I love being HIS wife. Though honestly if it hadn't been for the BIG day and actually saying husband it wouldn't feel any different. Now don't go thinking I am minimizing marriage because I'm not and I'd do it again everyday (the wedding) if I could!
I guess now that I'm actually married it is real and the reality of it is that it's not much different. I can see it being different for those couples who don't live together or/and don't have sexual relations before their wedding. Don't get me wrong I love the fact that I say my husband now! I love the fact that legally and to God we are officially a married couple! My days are certainly brighter as a result of all these things!
I think sometimes in the planning and details of our weddings we do lose focus of our focal point. It's almost like we expect that day to be more than a day. Our wedding to be everyday of our lives forever. When the it's the beginning of our lives with that person!
Even a week later looking back my favorite part of Our wedding is saying our vows. We wrote our own and it made the day even more special and realistic. I definantly suggest this to every couple even it's just a sentence or two! I've discussed the crossover from fiance to wife with several of my married and engaged friends. In these conversation I have come to realize we all expect(ed), in some way, a difference in the how we feel and how our lives functioned!
I don't know what I really thought... Like every morning when I wake up I would hear a loud bell ringing or not to have to deal with everyday life issues! I guess the main difference is now I officially have the man of my dreams to share all of the good and bad with. The beauty of life is that it's continuous learning experience. I've learned in the last week that the Wedding is really THE BEGINNING and no matter how beautiful you make that day, you have many more after it that will be beautiful and some that will need just as much work to become as beautiful!