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Showing posts from February, 2008


I am extremely social. Anyone who knows me knows that. I love to entertain. Talking, people, food and drinks (especially with liquor) are my cup of tea! I am known for having BBQs and getting friends together. I love doing stuff like this because it is so much fun. I have been doing this once a month lately for my wedding message board. I love it. Though I have started to not feel… appreciated. Not saying I want people to thank me, but a little respect for my time and energy given. I have noticed with all the get togethers (gtg), dinners, BBQs and my wedding that I planned people do not properly RSVP. I am not sure if it is because they have never put together something or just do not care. The main one that bothered me was my wedding. Of course there was a lot of cost and time that went into it. Plus we had to pay per person for food. We had 10 no shows who RSVP’d that they were attending but did not show. No call in advance or nothing. It was annoying we could have invited others in ...

My Wedding Opinions

So.... After having my wedding I have come to realize that what many brides, well I should say couples, think they must have or do for their wedding is not that serious. I still get on theknot's message boards everyday. Reading the questions, needs and ideas of brides shows me how overboard the wedding industry pushes us. I know it is THE day of our lives, but we all do have to live after that day. I mean really the extra money we put into attire, decor, flowers, invitations, STD (save the dates) and more could be pay off student loans or you car, be a down payment on a house and so much more. I know, because I've been there, that you want a beautiful day but be realistic about it. Most of your guest have NO idea what a pocket fold, wedding theme, or what your wedding colors are. So here are the things I don't think are that serious or needed. Having more than one dress on your wedding day. The only time that I can understand this is if you get a MUCH cheaper dress fo...

My Birthday

Today was my 26th birthday! I am officially in my late 20s according to my friend Saria! I am taking 26 with pride. Plus I celebrate my 26th again next year too LOL I enjoyed my day because my wonderful family and friends wished me a happy birthday numerous times throughout the day! Thank you all for you wishes.


It is hard to deal with some people in my life. There are specific few in my family who annoy the crap out of me. I try to control vocalizing my frustrations, but it gets really hard. I am sure we all have these people in our lives. There are a few types I have noticed in discussions with others. Do any of these describe someone you know? The person that does stupid things, but blames the results on everyone or everything else. No matter what it is, it is not their fault. Life is so unfair to them and they need a break to get ahead. Though they will not take any advise given to them. Insert rolling eye here. The person who you do not get along with, but try to. They continuously push your buttons and you wonder why you try to be nice to them! You even contemplate what charges you would get for smacking or chocking them. Of course when this person walks away everyone else tries to apologize for them like it makes it better. What keeps them from being nice and tolerant too, ...


If you have not seen last week episode of Making The Band 4 on MTV or heard someone talk about it... you are about to be confused! I can not stop using this word! I think it is the funniest thing ever that Diddy told Robert he has some bitchassness in him! I'm just saying, how you piss someone off some much they create a new word to describe you! That some funny ish! You can not tell me that isn't funny! I'm laughing now! Ok... if you missed it I'll give you an Apearl Review! Diddy had his normal meeting with the guys in the studio to discuss their progress on the tracks for their first album. He tells the guys that they had a lot of work to do! “Why do yall sound so bad? Is there a problem with the group?” Brian calls Robert out, saying that they all have a problem with him because he acts like he’s better than them. Robert tries to explain his case saying his feelings are hurt (you a grown man) and they should have told him how they felt before now instead of talking ...

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours! It is funny how a Hallmark holiday can cause so many emotions. I know that some people get really wrapped up in the day and others do not celebrate it. I am somewhere in the middle of the two. I like to celebrate it but in a realistic way. I do not need anything over the top but I need something! I’ve had many Valentine days where I did not have a significant other. I was not able to share in the joy of this holiday the same way many did. What I learned during those years to show my love for those in my life. I continue this tradition now. I make sure I send my close friends, daughter and sister something for Valentine’s Day. Of course I got my husband something too, but that was a given. Interesting Valentine’s Day Facts : The US Greeting Card Association estimates that approximately one billion valentines are sent each year worldwide, making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas! The association esti...

Part 2: Happy with oneself?

After my previous post” Happy with oneself?” I decided to do some research on the subject. I came across several items I would like to share. I found on Oprah’s website two quizzes I would like to share. The first one is "Are You Happy With Yourself?" quiz The questions on this quiz got my mind going I hope it does the same for you! Another is a "Satisfaction with Life Scale" quiz . If you are unhappy with your score you can do two things, according to Dr. Holden. "We have to learn to let go of our past, we have to give up all hopes for a perfect past. Let the past go, it's gone." After that, he says, "Take a vow of kindness. Be kinder to yourself and to others. "It's never too late to be happy," he says. Steps I found called "How to Be Happy Being Yourself": Be yourself! This means doing what you want, achieving your goals not living up to others expectations because this is your life. It's just tuning out the...

Happy with oneself?

Mary J. Blige new album is really good. I have been listening to "Work That", a song on that album. There is a line in that song that has been in my head for several days. "They'll never be happy because they're not happy with themselves" This phrase can apply to so many different situations and people. We have all had people, friends, co-workers and family members who could not (or should I say would not) be happy for others. I have been in this situation, on both sides. Like many of you I have had times in my life where I was not happy with who I was. Some of those times I didn't even know it! One time that I specifically remember was Valentine’s Day 2006. I was working in corporate America, which I hated with a passion, and everyone around me were celebrating love. Women received flowers, candy, cards and balloons that covered their desk. One even got a singing telegram. I remember sitting at my desk truly hating because my “relationship” was not goin...

Grammy Awards

The 50th Annual Grammy Awards aired last night. Overall I enjoyed them but had... some comments to make. I love to say what needs to be said and felt that this award show was in need of my comments. So... I am giving you.... drum roll please... Apearl's Grammy Recap! Don't pee on yourself with excitement! LOL Alicia Keys opened the show doing a duet with Frank Sinatra, via technology. The green dress she wore was very cute, but I wan not feeling the up-do mohak thing. Prince announced the winner of the best female R&B vocal award to Alicia for "No One". When Prince came out on the stage, well first my eyes had to adjust and then my ears. The women in the audience screamed for a good minute. I thought I was about to see some panties thrown on the stage! Morris Day and Rhianna performed. They did comlab of The Time's song and "Umbrella" into "Please Don't Stop The Musc". I am not familar with Morris' group the time, but was told he ...

Generational Curses

Today I was talking to a friend who brought up generational curses. The conversation made me want to learn more about it. I have heard this term many times, but never fully researched. I always thought it meant a negative trend in your family. Like teen pregnancy, adultery, poverty or mental illness. I wanted to know how they start and how do you break the curse. “Generational Curse” is a term used to describe the overall effect on us today of things our ancestors did, believed or practiced in the past. It is the consequence of an ancestor’s actions, beliefs and sins being passed down through each generation to the next. Some Christian counseling manuals now advocate determining if generational curses are causing a person’s problems. Some of these manuals give specific problems which they feel are signs that a curse is at work in a person. The list includes but is not limited to mental and emotional breakdowns, breakdowns in marriage, recurring or serious illness, financial needs,...

The Secret

The Secret is a theory that became popular of the last few years. Its theory has emphasis on positive thinking and living your best life through the idea of the law of attraction. In general, it means people can attract a better life for themselves! The phrase Law of Attraction has been used by writers, although the actual definition varies. Most authors associate the Law of Attraction with a theory that "like attracts like", usually in reference to the mental life. The principle is based on the concept that a person's thoughts (conscious and unconscious), emotions, beliefs and actions attract corresponding positive or negative experiences. This concept basically says that the energy you put into the world—both good and bad—is exactly what comes back to you. This means you create the circumstances of your life with the choices you make every day. One way of practicing the theory of The Secret is using visualization. Visual what you want to happen in your life, career ...

Super Tuesday

Today, February 5th, 2008 is Super Tuesday! Which means, it is day of the largest simultaneous number of state U.S. presidential primary elections in the history of U.S. primaries. Twenty-four states and American Samoa are scheduled to hold either caucuses or primary elections for one or both parties on this date. I voted today! I was very happy and proud to mark next to Barack Obama’s name! As I type this, I have on my wonderful GA Peach "I am a Georgia Voter" sticker. While I was at the polling site a man walked in. He was obviously very excited to cast his vote. As we filled out our form he asked if he had to choose Democratic or Republican. He was informed he did. I could tell it was a hard decision for him. He stated, in a low voice, “I am ready for change. I have waited 8 years for this.” I couldn’t help but smile as he checked the Democratic box happily. After casting my vote, I waited outside to talk this man. When he came out, I started a conversation with him. I lea...

Forgive & Forget?

I am a HUGE fan of the television show The Game . During the season finally last year Melanie found out her pro football player fiancé, Derwin, was cheating on her. This season has shown them trying to figure out if they should work it out or not. Including them going on a date where the Melanie sees a text message the "other woman" sent Derwin. Even though he was not guilty of dealing with her that time, the text was more than enough for her to leave him alone again. As I discuss this show with some of my friends I notice that most of us want them to get back together. We think they really love each other, are cute together and so on. Though others think he's done too much to be forgiven and they each should go their own way. Hence my question of the day: When do you forgive & forget? When do you hand them their walking papers? I personally feel that each cheating or trust breaking situation should be dealt with separately. For example, Melanie and Derwin were defian...

Year of Change

"2008 is the year for change!" A friend of mine said this to me a few minutes ago. The statement was in reference to the Giants winning the superbowl. I think it can cover many things though. In 2008, we all have the opportunity to achieve our goals and dreams. To do the things we thought we would never be able to do. To stope the bad habits and start good ones. To take a step back and look at all the blessings in our lives. To do something nice for those who are special and dear to us. To tell those we appreciate how much we do. To give to those less fortunate. To have an extra glass of wine. To take a long walk on a nice day. To go somewhere we've never gone. To try something we never have. Everyday is a new day and possibly your last. I made a promise to myself, last year, to remember tomorrow is not promissed. It is easier said than done. I feel God keeps reminding me of that over the last year. Several things have happened and people lost as a remind...

08 Presidential Election

I have decided to cover politics in my blog. I was unsure if I wanted to. I thought about it and decided that I would. I hope that the readers of my blog will use the info and links I post to further educate themselves on the candidates and what their views are. This site was posted on one of the boards I frequent. I went to it and answered the questions to see what candidate it would say matches my beliefs. I was NOT at all suprised by it's answer. You should try it out! I came across this video while reading Young, Black & Fabulous today. I really really really like it! Please watch it! This video is so inspiring! "Yes We Can" Over the last month or so I have had many discussion, online and in person, about this election. I am so proud of the people my age, 21-31, who are learning about the candidates and their view points. I have been able to have real conversations about the upcoming election. I didn't get this opportunity as much during the last presidenti...