Now that I am confidently standing on my own two feet, I can not forget who I was, what I felt and how hard it was for me during those times. Many of us including myself forget about the phases and situations we went through. We see others in them, but do not have compassion. We do not offer advise, a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold or anything. We feel like we don’t understand why they are doing this and that, but in reality we can relate in some way.
At times I feel we all forget where we came from, what we have been through and how we were. I don’t only mean this in the “Moving on up” Jefferson’s way. I mean this in many ways. Situations you have been in, emotions you’ve felt, things you struggled with, painful things you went through and how hard it was at those times.
I am going to share my “phases” and hopefully you will be able to relate. If not personally, maybe you know someone who is going or went through them. I have been:
* Selfish
* Lazy
* Mean
* Jealous
* Sad
* Broken
* Worried
* Confused
* Depressed
* Incomplete
* Given to much of myself
* Unhappy with myself
* Proud of myself
* In bad relationships
* Lost myself in situations
* Work in progress (and still am)
* Asked “Why me?”
* Lost about my life and who I was
* Didn’t love myself enough
* Done wrong by people and did not understood why
* Worried about what tomorrow would bring
* Friends with poisonous people
* A bad friend and lost friends because of it
* A bad family member and lost respect because of it
* In love with someone who did not love me
* Loved by someone I did not love
* Lost friends because of my negative changes
* Lost friends because of my positive changes
We are all a work in progress and can try to recognize and have compassion for others are going through their phases. Try to help them and offer guidance and advise because God is not through with any of us yet.
Today while chatting with my girls we began discussing the wedding industry. The hoopla and money associate with a wedding. During this conversation I stated that how happy I am I didn’t stick with the original budget we had for our wedding. How I would be mad if I had spent that much now that I am married. Some times I feel like I am anti-weddings. It might be from being on The Knot (TK) since this past July. Or seeing couples, especially the women, put so much work, time and focus into their wedding and its over in a snap! Some spend a year or more planning their wedding. Researching, looking, buying and stressing over every detail of it and the day is over before you know it. I am NOT saying don’t do what YOU want, but do NOT get caught up in the hype! I mean seriously, would you put this much time in planning a party? A get together? A retirement party? Nope... so why your wedding? It's technically a party. It is a celebration of your union. Definition of wedding (1) a marriage...