Friday night a tornado hit downtown Atlanta. I still can not believe it. It is amazing to see the damage it caused. I was born and raised in this city! This is the stuff I watch on the news not a few blocks from my house!
I was moments from being caught in it. Thank God I was running behind for once in my life. I am normally very on time but wasn’t Friday night. I was and left a few minutes behind.
There is major damage less than a mile from my house. I love living downtown, but the other day I wasn’t so in love with the idea!
Thankfully no one I know was injured or had major damage to their homes. One of my favorite bars, the Harlem Bar is closed. It is on Edgewood. The tornado did some serious damage to that area.
I am thankful that few were injured and no one was killed. It’s amazing that now one was since it hit in a very populated area. Thank God it was 9:30pm and not rush hour!