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Showing posts from March, 2008

Earth Hour

Yesterday evening over 200 cities, including Atlanta, particapted in Earth Hour. Earth Hour is an international event that asks households and businesses to turn off their lights and non-essential electrical appliances for one hour on the evening of 29th of March 2008 at 8 pm local time until 9 pm to promote electricity conservation and make a statement about climate change. The event is organized and promoted by World Wide Fund (WWF), the largest multinational conservation organization in the world. Earth Hour has also received the backing of search engine giant, Google. From 12:00 AM on March 29, 2008 till the end of that day, the Google homepage in the United States, Canada, and the UK was turned to a black background. Their tagline is, "We've turned the lights out. Now it's your turn - Earth Hour." The first Earth Hour was held in Sydney, Australia between 7:30 pm and 8:30 pm on 31st of March 2007. The 2007 Earth Hour is estimated to have cut Sydney's mai...

The Wedding Industry

Today while chatting with my girls we began discussing the wedding industry. The hoopla and money associate with a wedding. During this conversation I stated that how happy I am I didn’t stick with the original budget we had for our wedding. How I would be mad if I had spent that much now that I am married. Some times I feel like I am anti-weddings. It might be from being on The Knot (TK) since this past July. Or seeing couples, especially the women, put so much work, time and focus into their wedding and its over in a snap! Some spend a year or more planning their wedding. Researching, looking, buying and stressing over every detail of it and the day is over before you know it. I am NOT saying don’t do what YOU want, but do NOT get caught up in the hype! I mean seriously, would you put this much time in planning a party? A get together? A retirement party? Nope... so why your wedding? It's technically a party. It is a celebration of your union. Definition of wedding (1) a marriage...

Inappropriate Questions

I am the queen of asking questions. I ask because I rather ask than assume, but I try not to ask inappropriate questions. If only others would do so too! Here are some I get and/or hear. “What grade are you in?” Um stupid motherf’er I am GROWN! Notice the diamonds on my left hand and my wedding band. The nice business casual clothes! This is a question I get atleast once a month from some random stupid person that don’t know me and they usually get a rude response. I mean if you are observant enough to look at me and think I’m that young you need to really be observant! And I’m a sistah, yes with a H! Yall know black don’t crack! “When are you due?” This one always makes me laugh when someone ask a woman who has a muffin top stomach and is NOT pregnant! I know it’s funny to me since I don’t get that question, but still how ignorant is that! “When are you having kids?” Um lets see, never! Why are you all in our sex life? I mean really! I am going to start saying, “We ...

Boyfriend & Girlfriend to Husband & Wife

The other day I had a conversation with a co-worker about marriage. She stated she does not ever see herself married or having kids. I asked why and she said it was too much commitment. I told her that marriage is like being boyfriend and girlfriend times ten. She said she didn’t want to be that committed to someone. I asked her did she have a boyfriend. She said no, but that she has in the past. I asked did she take it seriously when they were together, like was she committed to their relationship. She said yes, but not too much since they were only boyfriend and girlfriend. I told her I didn’t understand how you can expect more if you don’t take the current level seriously. I discussed this with my girls and was given few more comments on the subject. All agreed the main difference is the level of commitment. Yes, you will be more committed to your spouse than your bf/gf. In marriage, you take vows that are between the couple and God. Bf/gf title is temporary to most. Cheating in mar...

Happy Easter

Today is Easter. It is celebrated as the religious holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. The resurrection of Jesus occurred on the third day after his crucifixion. Easter is a time of rebirth and resurrection. I joined the members of New Birth Missionary Church for Easter Service today at the Georgia Dome. This year was the 14th year Bishop Eddie Long’s church held it Easter service there. The safety of the dome was a concern after the tornado damaged it 9 days ago. I enjoyed the service. The program included a reenactment of the resurrection of Jesus, the church choir sang, and dance and step groups performed. Fred Hammond performed, Sheryl Lee Ralph sang as well as spoke on HIV in the black community and Clifford Harris (better known as T.I.) spoke. Overall it was a nice service. It was amazing to see so many touched in numerous ways by it. It was very moving seeing that alone. Picture of T.I. addressing the congregation


Over the last few months we have heard alot about infidelity and their spouses, especially wives, standing by them. From Detroits mayor to NY's governor to Bill Clinton's infidelity. These situations make many wonder why the spouse stands by their mate. This doesn't just happen in politics, it happens in every life too! Why do they stand by them? Why do they stay? Some say women are more likely to stay with a cheating mate than men. I do think that men have a pride issue and would leave faster, but not in every situation. No one is perfect and we all have to learn what we can and can not deal with. I don't feel women ignore it, I think many don't know what to do. They are afraid to leave, of what people will think or say. Some may think they should stick it out, others may think being with them is better than being alone. I believe if you don't stand up and respect for yourself, NO one will. I personally dealed with infidelity in previous relationships. ...

Obama speech

Today Obama gave one of the best speeches I've heard in a long time. Please check out this video of it. It is kinda long but worth every second! Yes We Can! I want all of us to stop talking about what folks should and could do and do something ourselves! Research the candidate that fits your view and needs. Get out and vote. If you want to see change happen start with yourself. This is a great year for America, we can make a change if we actually try!

Marriage a Trend?

I hear how getting married is a trend right now from a lot of people. How so many people they know are getting married. I do not think it’s a trend. Personally I feel many are not willing to "play house". These people want to actually have a home, a real home not house, for them and their family. Not just the illusion. To me "playing house" is living together, sharing bills, responsibility and so on but not making the final and lawful commitment. Honestly think about it. Sharing a home, bills, money, emotions and more with someone is being committed. Why not say “I do”? Many play house and think nothing about it. Or maybe one person in the couple wants to make it official and the other isn’t ready. How are you not ready? Y’all doing everything else! I believe it’s easy to give lame reason why you are not married or about to be married when you are living together. It’s always easy to do the wrong thing, I mean this in the biblical way. I feel it’s easy...


Over the last year I have learned a lot more about myself. I’ve had the chance to add, subtract, reduce and increase many things in my life. I have come to realize that sometimes we desire a change in our lives, but when we get the change it isn’t the way we planned it to be. I know that we as humans can not plan how things actually play out but we all make a blueprint of what we plan. Many times what we plan and what actually happens are different. I realize now that many things are in our lives for a reason and without (or a reduced amount) we are not complete. This may be our jobs, friends, family, and more. Everything plays apart in making us whole. I know this now. I made a career change in November. As a result I was working part time. At first I loved having so much free time, but after the first month found myself bored. After having this time, I realize I have to a find balance between all the things in my life. These things include work, family, myself, friends, ho...

Tornado in ATL

Friday night a tornado hit downtown Atlanta. I still can not believe it. It is amazing to see the damage it caused. I was born and raised in this city! This is the stuff I watch on the news not a few blocks from my house! I was moments from being caught in it. Thank God I was running behind for once in my life. I am normally very on time but wasn’t Friday night. I was and left a few minutes behind. There is major damage less than a mile from my house. I love living downtown, but the other day I wasn’t so in love with the idea! Thankfully no one I know was injured or had major damage to their homes. One of my favorite bars, the Harlem Bar is closed. It is on Edgewood. The tornado did some serious damage to that area. I am thankful that few were injured and no one was killed. It’s amazing that now one was since it hit in a very populated area. Thank God it was 9:30pm and not rush hour!

How much do you waste?

Do you waste money, food, water, gas, clothes, and ect. I’ve noticed over that we ALL have something we waste. I have been working over the last year on my waste amounts. I use to be a big waster of money. I bought and bought. If it was on sale I bought it. “It’s a deal, can’t beat that!” Is what I told myself. In reality though I see how those choices effect me know. Not just in my bank accounts, but extra space in my home too. Is your wasting ruining your financial security? I watch myself and others take our friendships for granted. No one has to be any of our friends. It does not kill us to take 10 minutes of your week or month to call a friend you may not get to see or talk to often. Check on them, see how their life is going and let them know you’re there for them. We all have a friend or two whom we need to let out of our lives. Are you wasting your friendships or relationships? We all have things we can cut back on. It can be as simple as not impulse buying, rec...


I find myself growing distant from a few people in my life who previously were very close to me. I notice it is very easy to point fingers at the other person saying “They changed.” But realistically we both have changed. We are not the same people and our relationships are defiantly no the same! Is either one of us to blame? I’ve been thinking about when people grow. They can grow closer to some and away from others. They can become stronger in some traits and weaker in others. They may become a better person in some eyes and a worse to others. They may distance themselves from things they feel are no longer a positive influence on their life and lean toward other things that they think are. They may find themselves seeing through completely new eyes. Hearing with new ears and focusing on things they never did before. Change can be good and bad. Who says a relationship between two can not grow as they grow individually. Their individual growth may show them that they are n...

Where's your faith?

I do not consider myself a very religious person, but I do believe in God and the power of faith in him. I guess that make me religious, huh? As Christian’s we are taught to give God our troubles, worries and problems through prayer. Then have faith in God working them out. I notice that we all forget these basic rules. In the last month I have reminded several of my friends and myself of these. I admit it is hard at times. You continue to think about the issues troubling you. Contemplate solutions to your problems and stress over your worries. Holding on the them like a bad habit. Shoot, this is many people's main bad habit! I have often wondered where the line between letting go too much and having faith is. I know that may sound strange, but I think that sometimes God shows us what we should do and we miss it. Like when we completely put our troubles, worries and problems out of our mind we are so far from the issues that we miss the solution. Though, when we consta...

Is the ring enough?

Is an engagement ring a guarantee? This is a question I hear a lot. It’s amazing how a marriage proposal completely changes your life. Those five words change your status from Single to Married. Yes you were a girlfriend or boyfriend before but now you have to share everything! Damn, really everything! It’s crazy! One day you are living a non-question answering (well at least minimal compared to what’s to come) life and then those five words are asked! Now you’re planning a wedding, combining households and accounts (if not already done). Does the ring change your view of your relationship or do the five words? I think both symbolize a new level in your relationship. I do not think that immediately after those words your love, trust and faith for them should increase, because that takes time. Many couples discuss the idea of marriage as their relationship grows. This discussion is normally about if they want to, when, how and where. What it will be like to be married and s...