Today a good friend of mine launched her new bridal site! It is Brown and Bridal. A bridal website for the brown bride. I was lucky to watch the growth of this site over the last few months. I can not say enough about it or it’s creator.
I have gotten to know the creator Senam over the last year online and consider her a good friend. She is like my sistah! She is a wife, mother of a two year old and she's pregnant with twins. She is also a graphic designer! She is seriously superwoman! I am blessed to have her in my life.
I hope that you check out her website. It is the best thing since sliced bread! It has message boards, chat rooms, pictures, blogs and an arcade! Also check out her business website!
She has asked me to blog on her site. I will be doing what I like to call, Single In The City blogs. Yes it is a bridal site, but I'm a ex-bride! I'll be covering the re-entering into single life aspect of things. I am so excited about this opportunity! Please check me out on the blog section on BNB!