As you read my review please think of all 2007 brought your way.
Thursday Jan. 4 - This was a huge day in my life... I'm tearing up thinking about it.
I buried my father on this day. A little background: I was re-introduced, I don't like to say re-united, with my father in the fall of 2006. My mother divorced him in 1985 and we slowly lost contact. He had a personal struggle with drug and alcohol abuse. He even was homeless for a while. I remember talking to him on the phone and hearing him cry because he missed so much in our lives (my sister and I). He showed me that parents are people too. Two weeks before Christmas he was rushed to the hospital by his girlfriend and was placed in the ICU with a lung infection. We were warned the infection was not responding to the medicine and was trying to attack his other lung. On Christmas night I received a phone call telling me he passed away.
I remember waking up that morning feeling numb. It was a cloudy day and seemed to fit the situation. After the funeral I spent some time with the part of my dad's side of the family that I didn't normally see. Later that evening my sister, daughter and nieces and I went to dinner with the part of his family we associated with. While at dinner I received another phone call...
My friend, Denita Smith, had been shot and killed. I was speechless. Denita was a wonderful person, recently engaged to be married to her college sweetheart and about to graduate from grad school. She loved life and was a beautiful soul. I met her in college at NCCU. We had spent the summer hanging out and getting to know each other better. I took her death very hard. She was the same age as me and had done all the "right" things. Like I said it was a hard day. (A previous blog of mine on this subject view )

This birthday meant a whole lot to me. Not only had I finally come to term with all that had happened in my life in January but I got to spend it with those I love. My husband, Redd, who was my boyfriend at the time took me to the GA Aquarium and I had lunch with my close friends and family. I felt very blessed and thankful to be able to celebrate 25 years of life with those close to me. Oh and I got a laptop for my birthday!
April 16th - Virginia Tech shootings
A gunman goes on shooting rampage on the campus of VT. When he finished, thirty-five people were dead. He then turned the gun on himself. In the days that followed writings, photographs and video messages revealed how disturbed the gunman, Cho Seung-Hui, was.
I am sure I was not the only one shocked at this act of violence. The fact that school shootings are still occurring is not acceptable. After being a college student, I know the feeling of not even considering harm coming your way while on campus. It was a sad day for college campuses all over the world.
4th of July - Independence Day
Redd asked me to marry him on a horse and carriage ride after we watched the fireworks in downtown. It was perfect. I was so happy.
July 30th - My daughter's birthday
My mini-me became five years old! It's amazing to watch my little baby become a little person. I'm getting old!
August 1st - Minnesota bridge collapse
During rush hour, a bridge that spanning the Mississippi River collapses in Minneapolis killing thirteen people. The bridge collapse caused cars, people, concrete and pieces of metal to fall into the water of the Mississippi River.
The pictures of a tractor trailer near a school bus full of kids is still vivid in my head. This bridge collapse caused a large investigation into bridge structure requirements being checked and met. Living in a city with a huge amount of traffic I was very glad to hear that bridges here were being investigated.
August 13th - My daughter's first day of school
It's amazing to see your child go to Kindergarten. She was so excited and we were so nervous. Needless to say she loved every minute of it. Well all besides the fact they do not take naps! Her words not mine.
August 28th - House broken into
While I was at work my townhouse was broken into. I came home to find things scattered around and some electronics missing. I was thankful I wasn't home and nothing more was taken, but shaken by the thought of someone breaking into my home.
Sept 2nd - Changed wedding date
I was stressed beyond control planning our July 5th, 08 wedding. Long term wedding planning was not for me. Redd suggested I put off planning until later or moved our wedding date up. I made a few calls and one of the venues we loved was available in five weeks! I booked it! Alot of folks thought I was crazy and couldn't pull it off, but I was looking forward to having only five weeks to stress out. By the way I didn't even have my wedding dress yet!
Sept 20th - Jena 6 Protest
Twenty thousand demonstrators took the streets of Jena, Louisiana to protest the treatment of six black students. These six students were accused of beating beating a white student in Dec 06. The beating followed a number of racially-charged incidents in the town, of which the earliest that has been reported was when three white students hung nooses from a tree at Jena High School, after a black student asked permission from a school administrator to sit under the tree. Related protest were held in many other U.S. cities the same day.
Oct 7th - My wedding day
It was a beautiful day. I cried during my vows. I want to say you can plan a beautiful wedding in no time!
Nov 8th - Quit my job
It was past time to separate from the company that I watched change over the four years I worked for them. It was a hard choice to make but all the stress and BS was not worth the pay check.
Dec 25th - I began writing my first novel
I finally sat down with my handy dandy laptop and got to typing. I wanted to write a novel but kept telling myself I didn't have the time. I stopped with the excuses and got to writing. I have two more book ideas in my head already. I have to thank my mother for inspiration to finally get moving. One of the Christmas presents she gave me was a book I wrote in elementary school. It was too funny to see the little blank book I decorate and wrote in. I had an 'About the author' section and one whre I put reviews. I even put a barcode on the back!
All in all I had a good year. I have grown a whole lot in the last few years and this year it was clear to many who know me. I was able to turn the bad into good. I am glad I have learned to make a positive out of a negative.
Come on 2008 I am ready for ya!